Sunday, October 9, 2016

Thoughts Before Sleep

Hello, Good Night.

Before I go to sleep I want to type a little, I love typing, especially typing out my thoughts. I would love to blog again. Not sure what I should type about. I had always wanted to write a book, I really don't know what about but I always thought about writing a book I just never did it.

I feel like time is going by really fast. Sometimes I feel like I am not doing anything productive, besides giving homeless cats food, and my house cat and dog. I love them so much, they keep me grounded or something. I love having a business, it's becoming successful little by little all I need now are people to help me run it because it gets busy sometimes.

My dream in life is really to just live comfortably, having more than I need and helping people and animals.

I sometimes feel like this life is sucking my happiness out of me. Did I make a wrong decision?

I believe God controls or at least helps us to make the right decisions. It's always up to us to choose the right one. I've heard that there is not one moment that was not meant to be. I've heard that what happened was the only thing that was possible to have happened. I believe in it only because it makes me feel calm.

What if I'm wrong. What if I made the wrong decision and I ruined the plan that God had for my life for one dumb action/decision. I am very impulsive sometimes and I like taking risks and living on the edge, at least that's what I used to like. Now I don't really care about taking any risks, or living on the edge. I feel like I've done a lot, and I don't need to do anything else. But I haven't.

I don't know. All I know is God still believes that I belong in this earth for a reason, and He is never wrong. He is the most High, and He is the King of all, and He knows me better than anyone and knows what is best for me.

Well, goodnight. I hope to type again soon.

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